Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Tomorrow! Tomorrow!

I purposely put off picking a book up from the library before today because I was a afraid I wouldn't be able to resist jumping in and reading early..ha ha.
My first choice for my JLC2 is...drum roll please....Lizard by Banana Yoshimoto! It is a collection of six short stories, published originally in 1993, with English version being published in 1995. I thought reading a few short stories might ease me into the Japanese genre. Also, although I saw Yoshimoto mentioned in the suggested reading lists, I actually 'found' her myself while browsing the shelves at the library for Japanese authors.


  1. I've only read "Kitchen" by Banana, but this collection sounds delightful! I loved your exuberant comment, Caitlin, and I'm so proud of you for finding it yourself! It's a great feeling to finally grasp a new genre on one's own. I'm still reaching, myself.

    Looking forward to tomorrow! (Although you could start it tonight. :)

  2. I love "discovering" books at the library! I, too, have only read Kitchen, by Banana. I'll be interested in your review of this one!

  3. Well, I'm certainly glad I dropped in here today. I had an August 1 start date in my head. (I suck at keeping track of starting dates and ending dates...)

    Enjoy the book, Caitlin! I'll be looking forward to your review.


  4. I liked LIZARD a lot but then I like Banana Yoshimoto, will be interested in what you think about it.
    I am finishing THE BOAT so it can travel to Japan to it's new home on Nat's "saging" :)) bookcase.
    I will start with SNAKES AND EARRINGS by Hitomi Kanehara as soon as I receive it in the mail (from Daedalus.com)where it sales new for $3.98 instead of $17.95. Check out this bookstore, it has some awsome books at a low price.
    Congrat Trish :) Yum Yum

  5. I read Lizard not so long time ago, but it was just so-so for me.
    My review here
