Friday, July 11, 2008


Welcome to the second Japanese Literature Challenge!

Please feel free to write a post that:

  • reviews a book you've read, or
  • poses a question you have, or
  • reflects a thought you're pondering, or
  • links to a review in your own blog.

I greatly anticipate sharing what we discover as we start to uncover the world of Japanese Literature.



  1. Thanks for setting this up Bellezza! I'm really excited for this challenge--and a challenge it will be since this is very much out of my normal zone of reading! I'm thrilled that you've decided to host again. :)

  2. It's a challenge for me, too, Trish. I don't know very much about Japanese literature at all; hence the pursuit. I'm glad we're in it together!

  3. I'm interested in joining, and was wondering if Kazou Ishiguro would count as a Japanese author? I think of him as British, but I thought I saw him on a reading list.

  4. Raidergirl3, I'm glad you're interested in joining. Also, Ishiguro would be wonderful!
    I'll add you to the participants list on the sidebar. Please send me your email address at so that I can invite you to write posts for this review site. Welcome!

  5. Please add me to the Challenge too :0)

  6. Is it too late to join?? I would love to!

  7. Kate, it's never too late! I sent you an invitation to post on the review site, and I've added you to the participants in the sidebar. I'm glad you joined!
