Saturday, August 23, 2008

Snakes and Earrings by Hitomi Kanehara

Snakes and Earrings by Hitomi Kanehara

I picked up this book to read thanks to Madeleine's review previously, and I'm glad I did.

Snakes and Earrings, although a short novel (the authors first), has become a Japanese cult classic.
The story follows a young girl who has left home and her exploration of pain and pleasure through body modifications and violent sexual activities.
At times painful to read, at times beautiful. This is definitely one to read for an glimpse of modern Japanese alternative culture.

This is my third book read for the technically I'm finished.
However, I still have a number of books I'd like to read on my list, so will keep on reading....!
Currently reading Japanese Women Poets: An Anthology by Hiroaki Sato. A collection of poems by women from the earliest folk songs to modern poets. Will review when read more of the poems.

1 comment:

  1. Lydna, I'm so impressed that you've read three already, AND that you're going to continue! It's neat that you were enticed to pick this book up by Madeline's recommendation, which is just what I'd hoped this Review Site would create for one another. I, too, am going to read some Japanese poetry; in particular, a recently published book of Basho's haiku. Your review of Snakes and Earrings is SO intriguing...I can't wait to pick it up after two challengers liked it.
