Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Japanese Women Poets: An Anthology by Hiroaki Sato

Japanese Women Poets: An Anthology by Hiroaki Sato

This is a great anthology pf women's poetry, from early songs to present day poems.
There are over 100 poems, covering all verse forms, on a variety of differnet themes>
I particularly like the early poems in the sections 'Poems from the Man'yoshu' and 'The Age of Tanka' which are very beautiful.

A couple of my favourite poems from the anthology are posted on my blog here

1 comment:

  1. I find this especially interesting after just writing about Basho. Poetry is not normally my favorite genre, but I would like to learn more about it, read more of it, try to gain better understanding of it. This one, through a woman's perspective, seems particularly applicable.
