Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

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What cry rises from
frozen lake to starry sky?
Ah, season’s greetings!

© 2008 by CaliforniaTeacherGuy


  1. The Tori gates are a great symbol for Christmas. Thanks for sharing this image. I remember feeling in the presence of something greater than myself, something peaceful and something awesome when visiting the Tori gates of Japan. Seasons greeting also - and may all who seek to know the truth and share the truth, walk through the gates with peace and confidence.

  2. Okay okay. How does the challenge work?

    I've read the brutally direct Kensaburo Oe, A Personal Matter and my flat out favorite book of all time, Maxine Hong Kingston's, Woman Warrior.

    Now what to I do?

    Dumb as a rock in Newport Beach,

  3. Charmaine, your comment cracked me up! You are so welcome to join in the Japanese Literature Challenge which doesn't end until January 30, 2009. The participants read 3 books of their choice as long as they are Japanese. I'll send you an invitation to post your thoughts on this blog, and I'll add you to the list of participants. Thank you for telling us of the books you like already! And, welcome!
